omogeneo is a short film about an italian family highlighting their unique understanding of life.
built around the philosophical thoughts and music of the father davide garattoni, it deals with the balance between the life in society and nature. when the family first moved to fuerteventura they lived in a tipi close to the beach for about 5 years. in total harmony with nature.
then they were forced by the government to find a concrete house within one day otherwise they would have taken away their children. close to majanicho they found a house allowing them to keep custody of their children.
starring davide garattoni, kasenija kostic
production hometown
director jan eric hühn
director of photography alex schuchmann
steadycam karsten jäger
camera assistent jonathan brunner
editors jan eric hühn & alex schuchmann
music eeph
field recording henric schleiner (ti:me:co:de)
re-recording henning großmann (ti:me:co:de)
colorist christian richter
year 2019
photos by alex schuchmann, eeph